Mp3 Player

Senin, 12 Oktober 2009


Thriller, Crime, Action
USA  /  English

A beautiful daughter of rich parents decides that the easy, wealthy life is not for her. Although she makes a living in her youth as a model, she soon decides to pursue adventure as a bounty hunter to maker her own way in the world. Still, the way is not easy, and young Domino Harvey soon teams up with other hapless bounty hunters in a complicated scheme where she never really knows who is an ally and who is involved in a conspiracy against her. She has friends and co-workers such as Choco and Claremont Williams, who helped her become involved in the bounty hunter trade to begin with, but the money and intrigue involved becomes so large that Domino must figure out for herself who can be trusted. she also must decide whether the life of a bounty hunter is for her to begin with. All of these adventures take place among the intriguing backdrops of Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

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