Mp3 Player

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011


USA / English
Drama / SciFi / Thriller

REPEATERS is an aggressive, fast-paced with an important moral question: what would you do if you knew that everyday you started over with a clean slate? Sonia, Kyle and Weeks are three cynical outsiders fed up with the peer groups and the perceived injustices inflicted upon their early adult lives. Forced into mandatory rehab, the trio is given a day pass to attempt to complete step nine on the path to recovery – make direct amends with those they have wronged in the past. Upon acceptance of their predicament, the three begin to behave with more confidence and bravado because surely their misdeeds will be erased if the day continues to repeat itself. Accordingly, they set out pulling pranks and committing petty revenges, but things soon escalate, culminating in the torture and kidnapping of a rival.

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