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Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

The Road To Guantanamo

Drama, Documentary
USA  /  English

Four friends from the Midlands, UK plan to combine a holiday with the family wedding in Pakistan. Shafiq (Riz Ahmed), Ruhel (Farhad Harun), Monir (Waqar Siddiqui) and Asif (Afran Usman) lead to the UK in September 2001 and are very much looking forward to their trip. Allegedly through innocence and ignorance they become curious about the war on terror in Afghanistan and decide to visit the militia training camps. The film is part drama and part documentary and highlights the misunderstandings and confusions as they are captured by Allied forces and detained in Guantanamo Bay for over two years. Two and a half years after their departure from the UK only three of them returned home.

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