Mp3 Player

Minggu, 25 April 2010

Deadly Impact

Thriller, Suspense, Action
USA  /  English

A retired police officer named Tom Armstrong (Sean Patrick Flanery) has been traumatized in his job and moves bag and baggage to Mexico. However, the man behind his troubles, a diabolical psychopath named David Kaplow (Joe Pantoliano) begins a reign of terror. FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) agent Isabel Ordonez (Carmen Serano) knows only one man can match wits, so to speak, with the dastardly villain. Armstrong must return to the United States and play games with the killer, as the entire FBI force seems unable to stop Kaplow who has his way with a variety of agents and agencies, including Special Agent William Hopter (David House) and ELU agent (Foued Zayani).

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