Mp3 Player

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

The Wolfman

Action, Horror, Thriller
USA  /  English

The little Hamlet of Blackmoor is where Talbot (Benicio del Toro) spends his time alone and recovering from an attack until his brother’s fiancée Gwen Conbliffe (Emily Blunt) finds him and lures him into a search for her lost love. When he returns home he finds out that something is killing the villagers and that Scotland Yard inspector Aberline (Hugo Weaving) is on the investigation. Talbot starts to put the pieces of the puzzle together when he discovers the tale of an ancient curse that turns the sick and vulnerable into Werewolves during the full moon. It is Talbot’s task now to destroy the creature and save both the villagers and Gwen, the girl he realizes he loves. In his quest he will discover things that he never imagined.

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