Mp3 Player

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010


USA  /  English

Steven Arthur Younger (Michael Sheen) was a nuclear expert employed by the US government, who changed his ways. He converted to Islam and became a "radical" or "extremist" in the views of many Americans. As a result of his position with the government, Younger gets his hands on some nuclear material, and he plants devices in three separate cities. Younger is found and arrested, but will not give up the locations of the devices. FBI agent Helen Brody (Carrie-Ann Moss) is called on to interrogate Younger, along with a man known only as H (Samuel L. Jackson), who has a reputation for getting results in interrogation, using whatever means necessary. With the two interrogators on the case, can they find a way to get answers out of Younger before his devices go off in 3 American cities?

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