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Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

9th Company

Action, Drama, History, War
Russia  /  Russian

The movie begins with different guys starting to serve their great nation, the former Soviet Union. One of the main roles, Vorobey (Aleksey Chadov) leaves his belove girlfriend for the service as he promises to come back soon. Others just like Vorobey do the same leaving their loved ones behind. Once they arrive at the army, their praporshik or comander Dygalo (Mikhail Porechenkov) immediately takes his responsibility of training the guys in order to turn them into brave-hearted patriotic troops. They are united under the 9th company (rota). While in the army training, guys get to know each other well and start sharing their dreams and thoughts. When it is decided that they have obtained both the physical and psychological skills needed to combat their enemies, they are sent to Afghanistan. This is the time of Soviet invasion of the country. However, the movie events focus in 1989 when the final days of the greatest 'Evil Empire" was nearing. The Afghans supported by the Americans militarily, give some really hard time to the Soviet troops with advanced weapons (provided by the U. S. government) and the mountainous landscape of them which is totally alien for the Russians. Very sadly, all the guys in the 9th company all get killed by the Afghans during a battle as they did not have any radio means of contacting their base for assistance, and only one of them survives the hard-fought battle. Guys fight with all their hearts for their country and for what they believed to be worth fighting for. At the end of the movie, the surviving soldier officially reports to the high-commanding chief about the battle that was just over and how the 9th company soldiers bravely fought until their last breathing. The most heart-melting part is - not long after that hard battle, it was declared that the Soviet Union was collapsed, and the very reason these guys were fighting for was no longer in existence which only show us the bitterness of ideological wars and its tragic results for thousands of people for the rest of their life.

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