Mp3 Player

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011


USA / English
Drama / Horror / SciFi

Charming young slacker Dell Hansard (Jon Carlo) is in love with beautiful girlfriend, Piper (Ashley C. Williams). The couple decides to take an extended camping trip and is out of contact with civilization for almost a week. While out in the remote site, Dell makes an impromptu proposal but is shot down, ending the trip on a sour note. On their way home from camping, they stop at a gas station, and are surprised to find signs reading “closed indefinitely due to the gas crisis”.Now they are stuck hours from home without enough gas, and must fend for themselves and in an uncertain landscape. They sleep at a nearby abandoned motel where a manipulative manager swindles them out of their last dollars. The crisis only worsens when a robbery takes place and they must flee on foot.

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