Mp3 Player

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

Underwater Love

Asia / Japanese
Drama / Fantasy / Musical

There is a delirious joy and passion at the core of UNDERWATER LOVE that should be inspiring to anyone who feels there is a dearth of creativity in contemporary film. Here we have a host of sights and sounds that are brand new to us, rendered vividly by a variety of masters. Legendary “pinku eiga” director Shinji Imaoka(UNCLE’S PARADISE) is at the helm, with a script originally fashioned by Midnight Eye editor Tom Mes, then reshaped by Imaoka himself along with actor Fumio Moriya. The cinematography is by the undeniably great Christopher Doyle(CHUNKGKING EXPRESS) and the music is created by German/French electronic wham-bammers Stereo Total. The involvement of so much international talent stems from the fact that the film was financed by a German company, a rarity for pink films old or new. Everything about this production is unusual, from the way it was made to the details of the story itself.

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