Mp3 Player

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010


USA  /  English

Eliza Welsh (Uma Thurman) is a mother of two that is planning her daughter’s, Clara (Daisy Tahan), sixth birthday party. She wakes up and takes a picture of her daughter sleeping and then the day from hell begins. She faces a series of events that just make her life seem like it is falling apart and that she will never be able to get the plans for the party completed. Among the things that go wrong for her are a chewing out from the neighbor for not cleaning up after her dog and having to show up at school in her night gown when her daughter forgets her book bag. That is just the beginning as the day gets worse. At the end of the day Eliza’s husband (Anthony Edwards) who always seems to be away from home takes Eliza to the rooftop for a surprise. Thinking her day could not get any worse, Eliza realizes things may not be so bad after all.

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