Mp3 Player

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009


Comedy, Science Fiction
USA  /  English

Ti (Stephen Chow), a single father and very poor, hard-working coolie in Hong Kong is dedicated to providing a good education for his son Dicky (Jiao Xu). However Dicky is less than successful at school, where he is frequently bullied by more fortunate kids. Life for the nuclear family in their cockroach-infested room is very hard. When Dicky asks for a new toy called CJ1 that he saw, his father is unable to buy it. Searching through a trash dump one night Ti comes across a strange rubbery ball that he takes home to his son and names CJ7. The ball turns out to be a small alien with a certain power which will be the way out of the poor life for father and son – but not in a way they would imagine.

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