Mp3 Player

Senin, 27 September 2010

Ace Ventura Pet Detective

Comedy, Thriller, Action
USA  /  English

Right before the Miami Dolphins are about to play in the Super Bowl, their mascot, a dolphin named Snowflake, is stolen by thieves. The team hires Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey), a pet detective, to help them get Snowflake back before the big game. Ventura is an eccentric guy and an animal lover who will go to drastic measures to solve the case. He, among other things, visits (and wreaks havoc on) a retirement home and a high-scale party. Along the way, he has to compete with the police department, headed by the manipulative Lois Einhorn (Sean Young). The plot thickens when the Dolphins' star quarterback, Dan Marino, is kidnapped while filming a commercial. Ace now has to find Marino, in addition to Snowflake, or else the Dolphins are doomed.

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