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Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

The List

USA  /  English

Young lawyer Renny Jacobson (Chuck Carrington) is shocked both by his father's sudden death and by the terms of his will. His father has left him interest in a company called the Covenant List of South Carolina and has given the rest of his estate to charity. When Renny returns home to Charleston he is contacted by other members of the list and soon learns the history of this old and secret society During the war between the states a wealthy group of South Carolina plantation owners. who saw that the Confederacy would lose the war, smuggled large parts of their fortunes to secret hiding places all over Europe. Because of their greed they soon incurred the wrath of God and a powerful curse. Renny meets a beautiful young woman who is associated with this company and together they are drawn into a world of greed and deception where he is forced to fight for both his life and his soul.

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