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Jumat, 26 Februari 2010


Adventure, War, Romance
USA  /  English

The movie "Troy" chronicles the classic story The Iliad by Homer. It is a modern day representation of the same tale. Helen, who is the wife of a Greek, falls in love with a Trojan prince. The prince, Paris, takes her back to Troy, which is an enemy of Greece. After Helen does not return to Greece, she becomes "Helen of Troy." This romance sparks a war between the two city-states. There are many battle scenes depicting the war between the two states. Achilles, portrayed by Brad Pitt, sides with the Greeks. He is a half-god and is nearly unbeatable in combat, accept for his heel. His arch-enemy in the story is Hector, the brother of Paris and also a very skilled warrior. The story of the Trojan horse is also included. The Greeks smuggle themselves into a giant wooden horse in order to infiltrate the walls of Troy. It is through this method that the warriors of Greece manage to defeat the Trojans.

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