Mp3 Player

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010


Thriller, Mystery, Action
USA  /  English

Michael Jennings is one of the best reverse engineers around. The companies that hire him know that he can't tell their secrets because at the end of each job, his memory of what he has done is erased. When billionaire, James Rethrick offers him $90 million for his services for 3 years, Michael goes against the advice of his friend, Shorty, and takes the job. Now it's 3 years later, his memory has been wiped, and he goes to collect his money and instead gets 19 random items that he sent himself. While he is trying to figure out what it all means, the FBI finds and arrests him for things that he did over the past 3 years. He manages to escape but must figure out what he did before the FBI find him again.

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