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Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

100 Girls

Comedy, Romance
USA  /  English

When the power goes out on campus, Matthew (Jonathan Tucker) finds himself trapped in an elevator with the woman that he decides is the woman of his dreams. He cannot see her face, but he must meet her again. The only problem, the campus is full of so many girls and the party he had just left was widely attended, so his search begins with a long list of girls. His suspect list is 100 females long with Matthew's only clue being that the woman of his dreams lives in an all girl dorm. After being caught in the bathroom of one girl's room while he is searching it, she attacks him only to discover they are old high school chums. Wendy (Larisa Oleynik) agrees to help him in his search, but she has motives of her own. Matthew is willing to try anything, from releasing mice into dorm rooms, shutting off ventilation systems, dressing in drag, to finally professing his love in the newspaper. Will Matthew find his dream girl?

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