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Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

A Good Year

Comedy, Romance
USA  /  English

Max Skinner (Russel Crowe), is a self-made high powered very rich investment banker with no morals. The movie opens with his scheme of playing the market and selling a tremendous amount of shares as soon as all the other investment firms begin to buy. Then he sells at the top crashing the market and the other investment firms. This kind of day trading epitomizes his every day life and just as the market is busy busy busy, so is Max. But then he gets a letter. The uncle that he used to spend summers with as a child in the France Provence has died and left him the entire wine estate. He decides to put it on the market, so off he flies to France. It is in the Provence that mishaps lead to transformation. He meets a girl, meets his never known cousin, and finds out that his grapes are the stock of the best wine in the region. He remembers the good life and decides to quit being a banker and become a vinter.

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