Mp3 Player

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

Against All Odds

Adventure, Thriller, Romance
USA  /  English

Terry Brogan (Jeff Bridges) is “Against All Odds” in this film about Terry an aging football player who gets the cut early game season. So desperate for money, Terry contacts a questionable friend of his, Jake Wise (James Woods) for work. Jake has a job in mind; track down his girlfriend, Jessie Wyler (Rachel Ward) who has jumped ship to Mexico. As Terry soon learns the world is a small place for Jessie is the daughter of the man who owns Terry’s football team. But what he finds in Mexico is love and just as we all know how messed up love can be, Terry soon learns Jessie’s love comes with a price as it all centers around a huge real estate deal which holds all the answers.

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