Mp3 Player

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

A History of Violance

Thriller, Crime, Action
USA  /  English

“A History Of Violence” is a 2005 movie about a restaurant owner, named Tom Stall (Viggo Mortensen), who kills two robbers in self-defense. He becomes a national hero, but a group of mobsters accuse Tom of disfiguring their leader, Carl Fogarty, several years earlier. Tom denies it, but the mobsters kidnap his son Jack and exchange him for Tom himself. After a shoot-out with the mobsters, Tom admits to being the person who harmed Carl. His family is upset that he lied to them for so many years. Tom’s brother, a mob boss, contacts him and tells him to visit. Tom fears that his brother wants to kill him but visits him anyway to save his family.

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