Mp3 Player

Senin, 23 November 2009

Tommorow Never Dies

Adventure, Thriller, Action
USA  /  English

James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) investigates an illegal arms trade, discovering stolen nuclear torpedoes and a GPS encoder. Elliot Carver (Jonathan Pryce), leader of a major global media network, acquires the GPS encoder to use in his plans to incite a war between China and the UK. Carver sends a British naval ship astray in Chinese territorial waters by altering the GPS signals, and launches missiles from his secret stealth ship to give the appearance that the Chinese had attacked the British. Bond uses his influence with Carver’s wife Paris (Teri Hatcher) to infiltrate Carver’s facilities and recover the GPS encoder. He then continues to China, where he must work with Chinese agent Wai Lin (Michelle Yeoh) to find Carver’s stealth ship and defuse the impending conflict.

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