Mp3 Player

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009


USA  /  English

Flakes (2007) involves a slacker, Neal Downs (Aaron Stanford) who manages a New Orleans cereal bar (Flakes) and while dreaming of a future as a rock star. Neal’s girlfriend, Pussy Katz, (Zooey Deschanel) is similarly unambitious and dreams of traveling across America making music and art, Flakes is owned by Willie (Christopher Lloyd) an aging hippie with crazy hair who spends his days discussing the history of cereal and musing with customers over the ideal milk to cereal ratio. The eatery manages to survive on a deadbeat clientèle acting as a hangout for local slackers. One day, a yuppie businessman, Stuart (Keir O’Donnell) offers to take Flakes commercial, turning it into a lucrative business. When Neal and Willie decline the offer, Stuart opens up his own competing cereal bar across the street. Thus begins the cereal wars, complete with hijinks intended to drive the competitor out. As the fight gears up, Pussy goes to work for the competition, hoping to drive Flakes out of business and thus force Neal to finish his CD.

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