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Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Ice Spiders

Science Fiction
USA  /  English

Ice Spiders is a story about several Olympic skiers who are training in the mountains of West Virginia under professional skier Dan Dashiell (Paul Muldoon). Unfortunate for the skiers, Dr. April Sommers (Vanessa Williams) comes to warn them about a top-secret experiment that has gone wrong soon after their arrival on the mountain. It seems government scientists have created a breed of giant spiders that can withstand even the harshest of climates. These spiders eventually escape from their cages only to start attacking and killing everyone at the ski lodge. A small team of special operations military men try to contain the situation, but are no match for the mutant spiders. As the spiders continue to wreck havoc, it is up to Dr. Sommers, Dan Dashiell and the rest of the surviving members to stop the spiders and save the resort.

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