Mp3 Player

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

In Her Line of Fire

USA  /  English

Sergeant Major Lynn Delaney (Mariel Hemingway) is the secret service agent in charge of guarding Vice President Walker (Brian Keith) of the USA. Lynn and Sharon Serrano (Jill Bennett), a press secretary, are on the plane with him when it crashes into the Pacific near an island filled with anti-American mercenaries. Armstrong (David Millbern) leads the band of guerillas that are in control of the island. Lynn and Sharon must protect the Vice President when Millbern and his guerillas hunt them and kidnap the Vice President to hold him for ransom. Lynn and Sharon must save him and help him escape. While running from Armstrong and trying to protect the Vice President, Sharon and Lynn begin a lesbian romance, with the Vice President’s knowledge.

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