Mp3 Player

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Powder Blue

USA  /  English

Powder Blue is a powerful drama which brings together the lives of four separate people during the course of the Christmas holidays. Charles Bishop (Forrest Whitaker), is a man who is trying to kill himself, but can’t. Jack Doheny, (Ray Liotta) is an ex-con who is searching for his long-lost daughter Rose Johnny (Jessica Biehl). She is a single mom looking for love who supports herself by working as an exotic dancer while her son lies dying in a hospital. Her only comfort is her dog Rudy who promptly gets lost at the beginning of the movie. Lastly, Qwerty Doolittle (Eddie Redmayne), is a down on his luck mortician who has the opportunity to end his money troubles by pulling the trigger for Charles. The lives of these individuals come together through a series of events and circumstances which are both sad and enlightening.

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