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Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

Born On 4th of July

War, Biography
USA  /  English

Oliver Stone recreates the life of Ron Kovic (Tom Cruise) a young, patriotic man from New York during the Vietnam war era. Young Ron Kovic is a passionate, strong young man, in love with his girlfriend Donna (Kyra Sedgwick), who is convinced by a Marine recruiter to enlist in the corps right out of high school. During his time in Vietnam he is frightened and disillusioned by his experiences and returns home paralyzed from the waist down. From there on he is changed slowly by his experiences in post-war America as he battles with his family and others for a noble life and existence coming in to contact with other vets like Charlie (Willem Dafoe) who effect his life. Eventually Ron goes from being a staunch pro-war advocate to an anti-war protester through his experiences.

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