Mp3 Player

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009


Thriller, Romance
USA  /  English

Jonathan McQuarry (Ewan McGregor) doesn't have a lot to look forward to in life. He has a rather boring job as a tax auditor and his social life is bleak. He meets the charismatic attorney Wyatt Bose (Hugh Jackman), who initiates an unlikely friendship for reasons that really aren't clear. A series of "accidents", including a swapping of cell phones, gives Jonathon a better glimpse into his new pal's life. He likes what he sees, getting an invite to an exclusive underground club where secret sex romps provide some needed stimulation in his dull daily life. When Jonathon starts to have feelings for one of the women he's supposed to be just having sex with, he might find out just how far he's in over his head.

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