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Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Death & Life Of Bobby Z

Thriller, Crime
USA  /  English

Tim Kearney (Paul Walker) is an incarcerated former Marine who bears a striking resemblance to an imprisoned drug lord called Bobby Z (Jason Lewis). When Bobby Z’s drug cartel takes a DEA agent hostage, Tim is offered freedom by DEA agent Tad Gruzsa (Laurence Fishburne) in exchange for impersonating recently-deceased drug lord during a hostage switch with the cartel. Things don't go as intended, however, and Kearney ends up confronting the retired father of Bobby Z, Don Huertero (Joaqium de Almeida). After killing Don Huertero, Tim ends up on the run with Bobby Z's 12-year-old son (J. R. Villarreal) and former wife (Elizabeth White) trying to stay one step ahead of the cartel and the DEA.

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