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Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Dan In Real Life

Comedy, Drama, Romance
USA  /  English

Dan Burns (Steve Carell) is an advice columnist for a local newspaper. While visiting his family, he meets Marie (Juliette Binoche) at a bookstore and begins to fall for her. Just when it seems that Marie is falling for Dan as well, she tells him she has already begun another relationship. Dan finds out that Marie is dating his brother Mitch (Dane Cook), which makes the family get-together really awkward. Meanwhile, Dan’s mother Nana (Dianne Wiest) sets Dan up with an old acquaintance of his, Ruthie (Emily Blunt), who he uses to make Marie jealous. How long can the two continue their little charade, while Dan is leading Ruthie on and ignoring his own children?

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