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Minggu, 29 November 2009


USA  /  English

Medical student Alison Blanchard (Corri English) and her fellow students (Scot Davis, Joshua Alba, Jay Jablonski) have to take Gross Anatomy, the traditional med school class where students learn the structure of the human body by cutting up cadavers. Unfortunately for Alison and her friends their cadaver isn’t as dead as it should be and it doesn’t like being messed with. Her professor (Derrick O'Connor) puts it down to student jitters but soon all realize there really is a problem because people start to die. Apparently the corpse is that of an archaeologist who uncovered an ancient site that included the remains of 50,000 people whose spirits were not at rest. By uncovering the site the souls of the dead were set free to drive the archaeologist mad in a particularly unpleasant way and the students must figure out how to put all these spirits and that of the homicidal archaeologist to rest. But first they have to find the cadaver which has of course disappeared.

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