Mp3 Player

Senin, 30 November 2009

We Are Marshall

Drama, Sports
USA  /  English

The community of West Virginia is a great fan of the Marshall Football team. In November 1970, the team had lost to East Carolina University and was returning home. Assistant coach Red Dawson (Matthew Fox) gives his seat on the plane to his assistant and chooses to drive his way to home as he has some work on the way. 14 November, 1970 was when the plane, carrying the Marshall Football team members, coaches and fans, had crashed. Paul Griffin (Ian McShane) has lost his son who was also Annie’s (Kate Mara) boyfriend. This tragedy causes university president Donald Dedmon(David Strathairn) to decide to cancel the sport program that had been planned. Red too gives up his post in despair. A student rally appeals to continue the program and Dedmon agrees to it. Jack Lengyel (Matthew McConaughey) is appointed as the new coach who is assisted by Red. Now starts the effort of rebuilding the team with amateurs and freshers. Jack doesn’t exactly accomplish this task but lets the team to carry on the program and have a good game.

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