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Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009


Comedy, Documentary
USA  /  English

Sasha Baron Cohen’s alter-ego, Kazakhstani TV reporter Borat, is sent to America to do a research piece on U. S. culture for the fictitious Kazakh Ministry of Information. Shot as a mockumentary, “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan” follows the outrageous Borat as fumbles around the United States, offending everyone he encounters. When a chance viewing of Bay Watch introduces Borat to Pamela Anderson, he quickly abandons his fact-finding mission and goes on a cross-country road trip to make her his wife. Along the way, the reporter interacts awkwardly with locals, makes every faux-pas imaginable, and tries to reconcile his very different Kazakhstani background with his new American environment.

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