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Sabtu, 07 November 2009

On Her Majestys Secret Service

Adventure, Thriller, Romance, Action
USA  /  English

On a winding road high above the beaches of Portugal James Bond (George Lazanby) comes across beautiful Contessa Teresa di Vicenzo, also known as Tracy Draco (Diana Rigg), and prevents her from drowning herself in the sea. Later encounters show that they are two of a kind, equally attractive, smart, lusty, and dangerous. Tracy’s father, Corsican crime-lord Marc-Ange Draco (Gabriele Falco) asks Bond to marry Tracy to protect her. In return he offers help in hunting down their mutual enemy, Ernst Blofeld (Telly Savalas). Bond refuses at first but, in true Bond tradition, continues to romance the girl. Bond resigns from MI6 in a fury when taken off the job of hunting down Blofeld officially and returns to Tracy so the two can set off to bring Blofeld down privately. Eventually he falls in love and Tracy accepts his proposal. Bond uncovers Blofeld’s current dastardly plan to force the world to capitulate to his demands or face barrage of deadly viral agents that will sterilize the world’s crops and herds. 007 seems to bring him down in typical action-film fashion, but not all is as it seems, and Blofeld gets his revenge on Bond in the end.

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