Mp3 Player

Sabtu, 07 November 2009

One Way

Drama, Thriller, Crime
USA  /  English

Eddie Schneider (Til Schweiger) enjoys the life of a highly successful executive in advertising. Eddie is so legendary that he even has the boss's daughter, Judy Birk (Stephanie Von Pfetten), as his fiancee. Unfortunately for Eddie, there is another side to him, one that he has kept hidden and fought with. This other side is an addiction to sex that he satiates with countless affairs. When a friend at work, Angelina (Lauren Lee Smith), is raped by Judy's brother Anthony (Sebastian Roberts) Eddie is blackmailed into testifying on Anthony's behalf. Afraid of losing the life he has built he helps Anthony, which leads to Angelina attempting suicide. She is saved by a mysterious guardian angel known as the General (Michael Clarke Duncan), and with his help begins to orchestrate her revenge against Anthony and Eddie.

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