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Minggu, 01 November 2009

Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Action, Adventure, Fantasy
USA  /  English

The Two Towers focuses on the the two main evil forces at work in Middle Earth. Saruman in his tower of Isengard, and Sauron in his tower of Barud-dur. From Isengard, also known as Orthanc, Saruman sends his orcs forth to wage his war against the humans of Rohan. A wizard once on the side of good, Sauron thinks that the only way to survive is to join with the dark lord. The dark lord Sauron, as always, is bending his will towards finding the missing one ring. He is also waging his own war on men, most notably the city of Minas Tirith. If he can destroy the men of Gondor, the rest of Middle Earth would fall easily to his might. Caught in the Middle of this are the heros of the movie, as they seek to find news of their lost companions. Frodo and Sam have dissappeared into the wilds on their journey to Mordor to destroy the ring. And Merry and Pippin have been captured by the orcs of Saruman. All the while the loss of Gandalf in the mines of Moria weigh hevily on them. Aragon, Legolas and Gimli are caught up in the war of the orcs and Rohan, while Merry and Pippin find some new friends. Frodo and Sam also enlist the help of a 'guide' to ease their journey to Mordor. It will remain to be seen if his help will get them closer to their journeys end or not.

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