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Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Nightmare Man

USA  /  English

Ellen Morris (Blythe Metz) believes she has been attacked by a demon she calls the Nightmare Man after receiving an African mask in the mail, but her husband, William (Luciano Szafir) thinks she is mentally ill. Driving to the sanitarium, the car runs out of gas. William goes off in search of gas, and Ellen stays behind. Once again, she is attacked by the Nightmare Man. She escapes into the woods, and finds stumbles a vacation house in which two couples are spending the weekend. The couples grow wary when Ellen claims she's being chased by a murderer, and use her cell phone to call William. He tells them of her illness and warns them that she is unstable. The couples do not know what to believe-is the danger inside, or outside?

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