Mp3 Player

Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

Rails & Ties

USA  /  English

Tom Stark (Kevin Bacon) is a train engineer with a passion for his profession. He is driving the fastest train that travels the coastline of California. His world is turned upside down when distraught mother Laura Danner (Bonnie Root) parks her car on the tracks, waiting for the train to end her life and the life of her son Davey (Miles Heizer). Tom is not able to stop the train and smashes into the car but not before Davey has had the chance to jump out of the car. Tom is forced to take time off while the accident is investigated. This leads him on a journey with his dying wife Megan (Marcia Gay Harden) and surprisingly, Davey joins them as he seeks answers to his mother’s death.

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