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Sabtu, 21 November 2009

The Good Girl

Comedy, Romance
USA  /  English

Justine Last (Jennifer Aniston) feels trapped in her small town, her convience-store job and her dull marriage to Phil (John C. Riley). Then, she meets Holden Worther (Jake Gyllenhal), a stock boy who considers himself to be the real-life version of Holden Caufield from "Catcher in the Rye". Justine feels an inexplicable attraction to Holden, many years younger than she, and they begin a passionate love affair. Justine begins to feel alive after many years, until Holden becomes too clingy. He makes plans for them to run away and make a life together. Justine must decide whether to run off with the eccentric Holden or to remain with her boring but devoted husband.

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