Mp3 Player

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

Dungeons & Dragons 2

Adventure, Fantasy, Action
USA  /  English

The movie spins the tale of country Izmir which is imperiled by the plotting of Damodar (Bruce Payne) Who wishes to obtain an evil artifact with which he could raze Izmir and enact his revenge on the descendants of the once who caused his misfortune. In his hour of need the King calls upon Berek (Mark Dymond) former captain of the guard to combat the evil at work in his kingdom. So Berek sets about to find a solution to the problem. He enlists the help of his wife Melora (Clemency Burton-Hill) a sorceress of more than meager skill, and forms a team comprised of himself and four others; Lux a female barbarian (Ellie Chidzey), Dorian Cleric of Obad Hai (Steven Elder), Ormaline a wizard (Lucy Gaskell), and the Rogue Nim (Tim Stern). Together they make a dangerous journey to stop Damodar from using the artifact to reawaken the Dark Dragon Lord Faluzure.

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