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Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Freedom Writer

USA  /  English

Sometimes, when the world has given up on you, you have to show them that you are made of tougher stuff than they imagine. Erin Gruwell (Hillary Swank) is one of those people that always is in your corner no matter what. When she begins teaching at a forced integrated high school in Long Beach, she comes up against gang violence, racism and intolerance the likes of which she has never seen. While the other faculty have given up and simply pass these kids through the system so they can get them from their classrooms, Erin wants to really make a difference. Erin forges friendships between the groups of battling kids by teaching them what they have in common and by getting them to keep journals to help each other understand the pain they carry with them inside. Sometimes a little understanding goes a long way.

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