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Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

Eye of The Dolphin

USA  /  English

Alyssa (Carly Schroeder), an unruly fourteen year old, is sent by her Grandmother to live with Alyssa’s estranged father Dr. James Hawk (Adrian Dunbar) in the Bahamas following the death of her mother. James is a dolphin researcher who has been fighting the local authorities who want to turn his research center into a tourist attraction. Alyssa and James do not get along well, particularly since he is consumed with his job, but Alyssa and Tamika (Christine Adams), Hawk’s girlfriend, become close. However, Alyssa’s closest companion is a dolphin, once she learns she can communicate with dolphins, a talent her father also possesses. Meanwhile, a group of politicians is getting closer to closing down the research lab for good.

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