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Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

Fun With Dick & Jane

Comedy, Crime
USA  /  English

Dick and Jane are a happy upper-middle class California couple with a gorgeous house, a dog named Spot, and a nanny for their son Billy. Things are going so well that Jane quits her job to stay at home, but her timing is unfortunate. Just after she has quit, Dick's company goes down in flames. In this commentary/parody of Enron-like corporate corruption, Dick and Jane are now left to fend for themselves. At first, they try to legitimately support themselves by working for minimum wage (or less). But eventually they are forced to turn to crime to support the lifestyle to which they've become accustomed, robbing everything from banks to toy stores. Dick and Jane manage to simultaneously entertain the audience wtih their hijinx and keep up with the luxiurious lifestyles of their neighbors. Their last heist delivers the final kick to corporate America and takes power out of the hands of CEOs and gives it back to ordinary people like Dick and Jane.

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