Mp3 Player

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Happy Feet

Animation, Comedy, Family, Musical
USA  /  English

This movie takes place in Antarctica. During mating season all emperor penguins sing their own unique song, called a "heartsong," to attract a mate. The story begins as Norma Jean and Memphis are drawn together through their hartsongs and their son Mumble is born. Mumble is different from the very beginning: in fact, he comes out of his egg with what he calls "happy feet." Mumble doesn't sing, he tapdances. So when he falls in love with his childhood friend Gloria, he realizes that he can in no way win her heart by singing. Dejected, he leaves the group and finds a place in a clique of rock penguins. These new friends don't care if he can sing or not, and accept Mumble as one of them. While with the rock penguins, Mumble learns of a shortage of fish in Antarctica and goes on a long journey to find the answer. After finding that humans are to blame for the shortage, he is captured and sent to a zoo, where his dancing makes every visitor to the zoo take notice. What will happen next?

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