Mp3 Player

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Great Balls Of Fire

Drama / Biography
USA  /  English

Jerry Lee Lewis (Dennis Quaid) can play the piano, and he knows it! Starting in the cheapest dives to do what he loves and try to gain fame, Jerry and his band astound people with their seemingly raunchy and improper music based upon the blues and soul music he heard growing up. When Jerry is challenged to clean up his life by his cousin Jimmy Swaggart (Alec Baldwin), he declines the offer saying he’ll make it his way or no way. While living with his cousin J. W. (John Doe), Jerry falls in love with J. W.’s 13 year-old daughter, Myra (Winona Ryder). Will their marriage ruin Jerry’s career? Jerry will have to tame his wild womanizing ways and boozing to keep his wife and career on track. Can he do it?

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