Mp3 Player

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Green Street Hooligans

Drama, Crime, Action
USA  /  English

Matt Buckner (Elijah Wood) is an American student who is kicked out of Harvard when cocaine is discovered in his room. The cocaine in fact belongs to Buckner's roommate, Jeremy Van Holden (Terrence Jay), but Buckner does not turn in his roommate because he's from a powerful family. Buckner receives 10,000$ for not turning in his roommate and uses the money to visit his sister Shannon (Claire Forlani). Shannon's husband, Steve (Marc Warren) was once the leader of the Green Street Elite hooligan firm but has since been replaced by his brother Pete (Charlie Hunnam). Matt is introduced into the world of football hooliganism by Steve's brother and becomes an obsessed American football hooligan.

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