Mp3 Player

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Grand Torino

Thriller, Crime, Action
USA  /  English

Tao Van Lor (Bee Vang) has divorced parents who are immigrants from Asia. Tao and his grandma (Chee Thao), mom (Ahney Her) and sister Sue (Ahney Her) live next door to Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood). Sue tells Walt Tao has no good role models to look up to and is already about to become a gang-banger or a victim of gang violence. Walt just lost his wife and because of his Korean war veteran history he's annoyed by the growing of ethnic families in his community. Tao then tries to steal his valuable Gran Torino in order to get accepted by a gang but gets caught in the act by Walt. Slow but sure Walt teaches Tao how to behave properly. But violence ensues while the gang interferes.

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