Mp3 Player

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

The Bodyguard

Drama, Thriller, Romance
USA  /  English

Rachel 'Rach' Marron (Whitney Houston) is a pop star with a less than adoring fan. Marron's manager hires ex-Secret Service Agent, Frank Farmer (Kevin Costner) to be Marron's bodyguard. Although reluctant, the cash is what initially lures Farmer to the job. Farmer's intense style does not endear him to Marron or her staff. However, Farmer grows on Marron and after one thing leads to another, they begin to have an affair. When Marron and Farmer's relationship starts to get in the way of Farmer's job, he ends the affair. Marron's crazed fan strikes close-to-home and she and her staff begin to realize that Farmer's insistence on strong precautions was necessary for the protection of the pop star and her son.

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