Mp3 Player

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

The Kite Runner

USA  /  English

The Kite Runner follows the story of Amir (Khalid Abdalla), a young rich boy from Afghanistan, and his servant and best friend, Hassan (Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada). Amir and Hassan enjoy the sport of kite fighting, flying kites with sharp glass on the line to cut the line of opponents' kites. When one cuts his opponents' line, the kite is his. Hassan is Amir's "kite runner," that is, when he wins a match, Hassan runs after the kite and collects it for Amir. The two children experience serious problems, but these are soon overshadowed by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. After fleeing to America and leaving Hassan behind, Amir, now an adult, must return to the Middle East and deal with the ghosts of his past.

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