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Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

The Cook

Comedy, Horror
USA  /  English

While the rest of their friends are vacationing in the Baja California peninsula over Thanksgiving break, a group of sorority sisters decide to stay home and chill instead. Their regular cook has gone home for Thanksgiving and the girls get a Hungarian chef (Mark Hengst) as replacement. These sorority babes engage in a lot of raunchy talk and like to sit around getting drunk and taking their shirts off. There is some drug use as well, and a couple of them have sex together. The cook sees an opportunity to whip up some very unusual meals for these girls, isolated on campus as they are and unaware that he has a taste for murder. One by one, each girl disappears. At first, the others don't think much of it because due to all the heavy drinking they could just be sleeping it off. Their temporary cook serves them courses during the evening, which win ooooohs and aaaaahs from the tasters. Little do they know they are ingesting their own friends!

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