Mp3 Player

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Wicker Park

Drama, Thriller, Romance, Mystery
USA  /  English

Set in Chicago, advertising executive Matthew (Josh Hartnett) is at a restaurant when he sees a woman that looks just like a girl he had a relationship with, Lisa (Diane Kruger). Two years prior, Matthew and Lisa had a romance but when Matthew asked her to move away with him, she vanished. He has been obsessed with her, and after seeing her in the restaurant, he follows her. He meets her only to discover that Lisa is another woman with the same name (Rose Byrne). Matthew and his friend, Luke (Matthew Lillard), investigate the mystery. This woman claiming to be Lisa turns out to be an actress named Alex. Luke is dating Alex, unbeknownst to Matthew. Alex turns out to have been Lisa's roommate and has been obsessed with Matthew. In the end, Matthew and Lisa meet up in a restaurant and hug and kiss.

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