Mp3 Player

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010


Thriller, Crime, Action
USA  /  English

A federal marshal named Carrie Stetko (Kate Beckinsdale) is stationed in an extremely remote place, Antarctica, but she finds crime not a particular challenge there until she is almost done with her term of service. A body shows up in the wreckage of a Soviet cargo plane. She must work then with Robert Pryce (Gabriel Macht) a representative from the United Nations as the base is under international control. Since the base is limited in the number of hiding places, the killer wears a ski mask and begins to stalk the investigating officer while killing off other members of the community. Her friend Dr. John Fury (Tom Skerritt) lets her know that a major blizzard may cause evacuation of the base, and her time to catch the killer grows short.

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